Saturday, May 10, 2008

Maddy and the Chocolate Cake Mystery

Last week we had a mystery on our hands. We made root beer float cake for the family home evening treat. We ate some of it for dessert and then I left the rest on the counter. I had to put Mason to bed so I turned on a cartoon for Maddy to try and keep her busy and out of trouble. When I came back out I found Maddy with her mouth covered in chocolate and she had changed into new pajamas.......I think she was trying to hide the evidence. I asked her is she had eaten the cake and Maddy thought for a while and then said, "No." Who could have possibly eaten that cake?
In the kitchen I found the cake with most of the icing eaten off the top. Hmmmm...... the frosting is Maddy's favorite part.
There were crumbs all over the floor, just like if a four year old had been reaching up on the counter and grabbing cake with her hands.................well, I don't know. I'm stumped. Somebody better call Columbo.


Erin said...

Maddy's no dummy, to bad she didn't have time to clean the chocolate off her mouth as well as change pajamas.

Megan S said...

Ha. Nice crime scene photos. Won't be long before she's getting out a washcloth to finish her evidence cleanup.

My boys blame things on the cat, or on "bruh" (as they call each other). They're also quick to disavow any knowledge when they weren't the culprit. Chris will raise his hand and grin and point to himself, shaking his head, to tell me he was good, while his brother gets in trouble.